Tarot For March, 2011

This particular reading has been overdue (I always mean to put readings up on the 1st of the month). In a way, I didn't want to it "now" after the horrendous earthquake in Japan, but I also didn't want to leave March blank.

I didn't want this reading to be "about" the earthquake, but it's virtually impossible to keep this element out of the cards and reading since it is so much in the public consciousness.

I only lay down three cards when I do these monthly readings, and the three cards themselves are very telling. Firstly, let me say that I use the Cosmic Tribe Tarot and you can view the amazing images of the cards HERE -- the images do add a certain, personal understanding for each reader.

The Moon, 2 Of Wands & Prince Of Disks

Let's start with the Prince Of Disks. This card is representative of an antennae receiving information from the Earth or from your body, which needs expressing. In fact, the Prince Of Disks is the expression of the Earth. Any action that you take now will ripple out and have consequences, positive ones, but also negative ones if you are not careful, but ultimately, will be liberating. Look at your immediate environment, what you're surrounded by, the places you frequent and the company you keep -- use movement, dance and rhythm to  s t r e t c h ,  to help you find your place and rediscover your body and your connection with the Earth.

Now read this again and pretend you are the Earth herself, receiving this reading. This is what the Earth is doing. The earthquake, the tsunami and the chaos surrounding it -- she is stretching her body and muscles and desperately trying to bring balance into herself.

For those of us who work closely with spiritual energy, I am not saying anything new -- we know that the Earth is a living and breathing organism that needs balance and harmony in order to flourish.

The Prince Of Disks in this reading tells us that we are receiving a message from the Earth and that we need to heed it, to be antennas that can connect with her to understand how something so disastrous can have meaning and purpose.

My heart goes out to all those in Japan ... and for the rest of us, it's important to know that we are not immune the effects of natural disasters -- they can and will happen anywhere that the Earth needs to shift energy and regain balance for herself.

If we as a human, we are racked with a life threatening virus, do we just lie still and allow ourselves to die? No, we fight. We explode, we burn up a fever, we flood our systems with detoxifying medication to destroy the virus, to shake it off ... anything to bring our body back into balance. If we consider the Earth a living organism, it becomes less hard to see that she is doing the same thing.

And this brings me onto the 2 Of Wands, a card that combines dynamism with stability. In traditional Tarot decks this card symbolises "dominion" -- our personal seats of power. When our dominion becomes too stable, nothing moves and energy becomes stagnant. Energy cannot be stagnant, it must always move and it must move to produce change which results (finally) in balance. The 2 Of Wands demands balance and the old power must be overthrown (clearly this happening in the Middle East in a different way).

Disturbingly, the 2 Of Wands suggests that another of Japan's nuclear reactors (or similar instrument) may explode in the immediate future. The Tarot is not set in stone, so I sincerely hope this does not come to pass. This card also implies that over this coming year at least, there will be more fires and more flooding worldwide of large and unexpected proportions. (Also more overthrowing of world powers.) We would be wise to use the lessons of the Prince Of Disks to learn how to be better antennas for receiving these messages across the globe, whether these be through physical or spiritual means, so that we can all be better prepared. If nothing else we need to begin to listen to our intuition again. Our budgie at home had been squawking non-stop for the past few days. Yesterday morning he was quiet.

If you living in the modern world, but have relatives who live shamanically (whether they're Native American Indians, or Aborigines, etc) give them a visit and relearn how to be connected to the Earth.

The final card is The Moon. Well, what can I say; the moon controls the tides. The moon is part of the Earth. The Earth works with the moon. The effects of the current tsunami will be felt over the next month, and I'm not talking about the clean up, I'm talking about weather patterns and energetic patterns that have been triggered.

I urge you to go to The Cosmic Tribe Tarot site and look at the Moon card. Click HERE then click on number 18 when you're on that page -- the image says it all. The tides are urging us to learn how to swim with them -- these tides represent change as well as the very real tides of the tsunami. Obviously, it's impossible to actually "swim" in the tides of a tsunami, but it is not impossible to learn how to "go with the flow" of a force of nature we cannot control, however heart-wrenching it may be.

Lastly, I just want to say that my heart goes out to all those suffering in the middle of this disaster and all those with relatives in Japan. Nothing that is "natural" ever makes this kind of situation easier than any other horrific event, and in some respects I feel it is much more important to look at what happens next and how we cope with the future, rather than the question of "why". On a personal level, I strongly feel that the coping of uncontrollable events such as these, comes from a deep level of acceptance that has been learnt over years and comes with practice -- acceptance is not an easy thing. And the future lies in our connecting with the Earth and working with her in all aspects of life; working with the seasons, the stars, the tides, the planets, and all of it. We don't just live upon her, we within her and a universe that moves and shifts around us. In order to find harmony within our living, breathing, evolving  home, we must consciously create it.

By law, I have to state that all of my readings are for entertainment purposes only and should be treated as such.

I welcome comments on my readings and discussions on the cards that are turned, but please note that I do not go into debate about personal religious or spiritual views as these debates go nowhere and are almost never fruitful. Any comments that aggressively attack another's viewpoint on this site will not be posted -- please write objectively. If you choose to write subjectively, take the responsibility of owning your comments rather than attacking another's comment. Thank you for your consideration.


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