Me And My Alter-Egos

There is such a lot to update on, hold onto your hats!

Firstly, since I started creating my new series, The Witching Pen Novellas, I have had the compulsion to bring together my alter-egos. My oldest friends all know my writing abilities range from writing stories akin to literary classics (in fact there's an unfinished "Lord Of The Rings-type thing" sitting at the bottom of my wardrobe that I really need to finish) to writing fun, don't-need-a-lot-of-brains-to-read-it stories (like It's For You-Hou!). Also, I tend to write everything from splatterpunk to comtemporary romance. More recently, my mainstream writing has tended towards the paranormal / dark fantasy genres, often with romantic elements. And it seems that when I write romance, or romantic elements, I like them hot and steamy. Funnily, this came as a surprise to me, but virtually everyone else I know has not been surprised ... go figure...

Given the above (and given my love of changing my name!), it should be no surprise that I would write under more than one name. On the extreme end of the "steamy" spectrum, I (or more correctly, my alter-egos, Erika Sorin and Elysa Summers) write erotic fiction and erotic romance -- erotic meaning beyond steamy; erotic being the main subject matter of the book. (Some people have labelled A Silver Kissmy vampire poetry book, as being erotic ... er, not really ... well, maybe it is in a very subtle way, but for God's sake, if you think that has erotic elements, don't even read my mainstream fiction, okay?).

Although mainstream dark fantasy, through to the erotica genres, are quite different from each other, they do have parallels (well, they do in the way that I write them), so I've been working on bringing all the three names that I write under, together under one roof. You can find this info on the page "Where Else Can You Find Me?" (see menu at top of blog).

On the tail of this, I'm also pleased say that Erika Sorin has been contracted by Noble Romance Publishing for a short story, and hopefully longer books will follow through at a later time. what about Bitten Fruit Books? In the near future, BFB will become the home of "Occult Writings and Para-Fiction" (to include horror, fantasy and anything paranormal). I've always wanted to publish the work of others through BFB. Due to finances (and a rather annoying letter from the IRS rejecting my application for a Tax ID number), this is now going to be through BFB's FreeBites range (which is being set up), publishing free stories from other authors as a form of promotion, firstly for them, secondly for BFB ... and then we'll see how we go with any further development of Bitten Fruit Books (and getting that bloody Tax ID number).

And a quick note about my pen names: I've been asked why have pseudonyms when I'm telling everyone about them. The answer is that my pseudonyms were never meant for secrecy, just differentiation between genres and to help readers, after all, not everyone wants to know about my scantily clad creations and what they get up to! (Hence the "Where Else Can You Find Me?" page.)

Lastly, I LOVE my alter-egos (narcissistic much?!) -- they are separate people and personalities in their own right as far as I'm concerned.

There'll be more to post later after I've updated Bitten Fruit Books, and when The Witching Pen is released at the end of July. (Erika's book is released 18th July -- you'll have to join the relevant blog / site for those updates). There'll also be a July Tarot Reading posted HERE. Until then, life continues to be non-stop hectic ... which is, if I'm honest, is just the way I like it  :)


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