The "Upper Young Adult" Genre

Well, here's a market I never knew existed until recently. I had major trouble deciding which category my writing fitted into until I came across two terms: "upper young adult" and "new adult". Typically, these genres cover writing for ages 18 to 25. Even now, I'm not entirely sure that my writing falls into this category, as my stories almost always have the lead characters at ages 25 to 30. But my writing voice tends to be a shade younger than that.

Feel free to decide for yourself. And I'd welcome comments on this too: do you read a lot of upper young adult books? What do you expect from this genre? How exactly does it differ from books written for those that are ... er ... proper, old adults? Classifications really boggle my mind. In my head, if you're 18 years old, you're an adult. Simple.

But it's never that simple, is it?!

Anyway, The Witching Pen Novellas are written for the upper young adult / new adult market. I'm going to be honest and say that when I was writing this, I had NO IDEA that I was writing for this market. Maybe I should have been more aware, but I just write what I write, and the end result is as it is.

Saunter on over to my website and take a look  You can find all details about The Witching Pen there, or at Amazon stores.

And feel free to post your thoughts below :)

Dianna x


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