The FIVE POEMS Collection - free downloads for all!

I've been touched that the majority of comments I get about my poetry is that it's understandable, and those that don't usually 'get' or like poetry, do get it and like it.

Wouldn't it be nice if our first introduction to poetry at school was something we could all relate to and understand the beauty of (in terms of technical structure), rather than verse written by late 19th Century writers, in old English?! Maybe the wonderful talents of these writers could be appreciated better if we could view their writing as attainable in the first instance, not something out of our reach and beyond comprehensible.

It was this thought that led me to start the FIVE POEMS Collection. These are small booklets of 5 poems each, exploring different themes. They are available FREE to download (under the Creative Commons Licence) or in booklet form at a small cost, and were created to encourage a liking and understanding of poetry as well as to ignite creativity in writing among all who read them.

These are all ISBN-free editions, in support of aspiring authors being able to create and share their books without too much judgment and cost. ISBN-free publishing also supports the very important notion that writing and publishing is attainable and something that everyone can have a good go at.

Currently there are two titles with more on the way.

 "Wanderlust... 5 poems about the irrepressible urge to wander, in love, in travel and within the mind and soul, for better or worse."

"My Game... 5 poems about being yourself, no matter how different you are." (There is a strong Pagan undertone reflected in the theme of this particular collection.)

So, here's where you download:

  • If you want a 6" x 9" PDF version, download from my Lulu Store. You can also purchase the booklets (stapled 6" x 9") here for £1.95 should that be more preferable to you.
  • If you want an A4 sized PDF, either download from Magic Realms Publications (where you can also purchase the booklets) or
  • Download from Scribd, where you can also embed the documents and share links with friends.
Here's to everyone realising that they all have a poet within them worth expressing  :o)


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