Change to Upcoming Titles

There's so much to blog about, I thought I'd start here:

The bumper book of poetry, containing 70 poems, Sienna Dawn, is in its final stages of drafting / proofing. Its completion has been quite a release for me. The book is intended as a literary memoir for my daughter (so one day she can know who I was when I was young and carefree!) and finalising the front cover and completing that last page (no. 118) had me realising what elements of my past I hadn't let go of. Nothing huge or anything. Just ghostly memories that have finally been laid to rest.

Apart from the occasional inclusion in my free poetry downloads (The Waiting Room Collective and The FIVE POEMS Collection), I am done with the poems of my past. There are 3 or 4 short stories from my past that I'll get round to getting out there one day, but for now, I'm done. And it feels good!

Anyway, I'll talk more of Sienna Dawn in another blog.

I shall also be talking about A Silver Kiss, my vampire poetry compilation due out in early January. This has really got my creative juices flowing and poetry books in the immediate future shall be centred around similar etheric, even taboo themes.

But for now, here is a list of my upcoming titles - it's quite changed from before - influenced by my unexpected feelings for the release of Sienna Dawn and the creation of A Silver Kiss, however, the changes from now on should be fairly minimal. A Silver Kiss has paved the way for a more manifested vision of my writing over the next year...

Upcoming Titles

12th Nov 2010 - will be a releasing a bumper book of poetry for 2010, titled "Sienna Dawn". This compilation marks the end of one era (my past) and the beginning of a new era, which began with Sienna Dawn (my daughter, now almost 16 months).

All future compilations will only house new poetry and writings, so this is a long awaited edition for all those who have known me from childhood to present, who want a collection of [almost] ALL my poetry to date. All the old favourites are in there. (If you'd like to know if a specific title is included, please ask.)

Includes the poem 'Sienna Dawn', which I have no plans to ever publish anywhere else.

Early January 2011 - working title "A Silver Kiss". This is a collection of vampire poetry that I'm working on (hello my dark, gothic side!). Am very excited about this one - out in time for Valentines.

May 2011 - releasing a book of spiritual / nature poems based on Pagan philosophy and beliefs.

Sept / Oct 2011 - Vampire poetry collection vol. II

November 2011 - poetry compilation based around the theme of fallen angels and the battles in heaven

Delayed - non-fiction book on how to work with fairies and elementals.  This publication may be delayed should I decide to submit to publishing houses. More news as the work progresses...

TBC - writing a non-fiction book about following the path of solitary witchcraft.

TBC - writing a book about reading the Tarot.

TBC - writing a book about working with Bach Flower Remedies.


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