Keeping my free poetry alive.

So I haven't blogged for a while.
I've been ultra busy setting up a Zazzle store (yes, I succumbed!).

I've been in two frames of mind about it. I want to be able to keep offering free poetry (via downloads, book giveaways and special offers), but I can't work on a loss. I don't want to over-commercialise my work (I hate anything too commercial).  I sincerely hope I've reached a happy medium here. The need to keep my poetry free  and my books affordable is very important and won out in the end. Free poetry means more and more people are introduced to this art form and hopefully discover their own inner-poets and how therapeutic it can be. Expression is the only way to release suppression and poetry is a beautiful form of expression that does not have to be hard to work with. More expression in the world (in a healthy, balanced way) means less suppression, less depression and generally less stress. This is where I'm coming from. Writing is my medicine.

So, my Zazzle store was created. The products (which are mainly made up of novelty items with one or two-liners from my verses - great stocking fillers!) are slowly growing - a little more every week - and I've taken great care to keep them looking classy, appealing to the majority and professional, not over-commercial. There's also a growing collection of sleek, glossy photographic poetry prints that you can only buy on there.

I'd love you to have a look. If you like what you see, but don't want to buy, please consider sharing the site across the web. Enjoy browsing and thanks in advance for your support.

Lastly, don't forget, I've got a new poetry collection due to be released in November (takes deep breath - what so soon?!). Details will be blogged!


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