A Silver Kiss - About The Cover Image

Hi All,

I thought I'd let you into the process taken when thinking up the cover image to this book.
You may have noticed that, despite the title, there is no silver on the cover.
The main thought behind it was: How does a vampire see its prey?

I have always felt that a vampire, with heightened senses, sees in ultra violet or a similar sort of spectrum. The cover colour was chosen for this reason. When blood clouds your vision, what colour does everything become? And if you're a vampire?

And does a vampire see in finite detail? Or does everything around him or her blur when the hunger strikes? The image itself is pixilated. The potential victim is no longer a being, but an object made up of molecular particles. Everything takes on an eerie, slightly blooded hue in a spectrum of light that is not usually visible to humans. The subject becomes faceless, the most striking and personable elements now being that which heightens the vampire senses: flesh, blood, veins, sexuality, submission and all things that are hidden and secret.

Finally, the potential victim lies upon a bed - one of the places where we have our most private thoughts and moments. So, what is the "victim" thinking? Are they, in fact, a victim at all?

The body lying upon the bed is not bleeding. There are no visible wounds, whether she's alive or dead. So once again, the question, is this really a victim?

Finally, with the help of some Facebook Friends, it was finally decided that the spine to the cover would have no text. This is a book about things that are taboo. If you want to know what the book is, you need to pick it up ;-)

All these thoughts created the cover for A Silver Kiss, which is now available to pre-order, either from Amazon.co.uk or straight from the publisher.

Official publication date: early January, 2011
(Released from the publisher on 18th November, 2010)


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