The Witching Pen Paperback in now on

Just letting you all know that you can now buy The Witching Pen in paperback here:

It's not on yet.

It's a print on demand book and it retails at £8.95 or $14.34 -- and just so you know, that's the cheapest I could make it without making a loss, but I wanted the option to be there for readers who don't like or have eBook Readers. It's in small paperback format (the kind you can easily slip into your handbag). The cover is shiny (there was no other option with the printers). You can also buy this signed, straight from me, here (payment in GBP only).

Finally, if you can hold out, I will be bringing out all three books of The Witching Pen Novellas in one large trade paperback, sometime towards the end of next year. This is assuming I stop the series at three stories, which is currently the plan (the characters might change their mind though!). I don't have an idea of cost for this yet, but it will most certainly be cheaper than the total cost of the three individual books.

Feel free to ask me if you have any questions!

Thank you all,

Dianna x


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