The Voice Of Reason and My Schedule

Alrighty, I had a talk with The Voice Of Reason last night, and the conclusion that we came to, was that I'm impulsive and recklessly live under the impression that I can do everything at lightning speed.

I have a theory that it's because my moon is in Aries -- that and the fact that I'm always trying to bend time because I believe it can be done (but that's another story and another blog).

I have a 2 and a half year old daughter that, despite being the sweetest, funniest thing, does not sleep. She has a vivid imagination, and her dreams wake her up at night regularly. Sometimes she has bad dreams, and I think it's this that has led her to refusing to sleep in her own bed at the moment -- she insists on being in bed with us. Last night, I sneakily put her back in her own bed while she was still sleeping, and she sensed it in her sleep and started crying out "I don't like sleeping, I don't like sleeping!" over and over again. Then she woke up and needed to be back in our bed again.

Where am I going with this? I'm tired. Actually, no, I'm exhausted. Because when she doesn't sleep, I don't sleep (or I sleep on the very edge of my own bed, which is so uncomfortable is almost worse than no sleep). The result is, that I don't have the energy to work as fast as I'd like, or do as much as I'd like. I wake up tired and go to bed tired, thinking, crap, have I done everything I'm supposed to today? Have a forgotten to do anything important?

Obviously we're trying to sort out her sleeping pattern. While we do this, I have to chill out a little with my writing, and I'm going to only schedule the following in for 2012 (much to my reluctance -- I'd love to write non-stop every day):

1. I will be working on The Witching Pen Novellas.
2. I will be working on The Eye Of The Storm Series.
3. That's it! If I can, I'll try to bring out another standalone story in 2012 as well, and there will be one or two shorter stories from Elysa Summers and Erika Sorin (writing the erotic fiction is actually therapy for me when it all goes chaotic and helps to keep me sane!)

I'm also working on developing both Bitten Fruit Books and Satin Smoke Press, which I couldn't be more happy about.

That is 2012 in a nutshell, and I'll be changing the schedule on my website shortly.

I hope people understand that for the moment, I can't do more. And God help me, I just don't know how some of the writer friends I know cope with four or more children! How do they write??? Do their kids sleep? My respect to you!

More soon....

Dianna x


  1. Yes, it's good to have a chat with the Voice of Reason especially at difficult times. Plato makes Reason the charioteer, and the Will and the Passions, the horses that pull the chariot. So, Reason is in control here, for you, but your daughter is ruled by the Passions. Having raised several kitties but no kiddies, I can't speak from experience. But I know that parents have used transitional objects like teddy bears and dolls and the like for years, so the children learn to feel comfortable for themselves without depending on the parents... and then, they later dispense with those things, without hopefully, developing any bad patterns or fixations that emerge later. Hopefully, your friends or other people in your life who have successfully raised children could help you out more, here.

    My wife, Elise (whose rising sign is also Aries) offered to send you Reiki healing for a week, to help you, and if you want to post or email me your daughter's name, she'll send Reiki to her too.

    Balance is good too, and I can't help but think, Dianna, as you establish more balance in your life – as you say you want to do – that your daughter, who is very sensitive to you, will become calmer too.

  2. Hi Philopoet,

    Thanks so much for your comment and your wife's kind offer for healing, which I will happily accept as long as genuinely has the time. Likewise, please just drop me an email if I can return the healing at any time (mine is Crystal Healing, not Reiki, but distance healing is still very effective).

    We've tried the soft toy approach, but she's a not attached to any of her toys enough for them to offer any kind of comfort, unfortunately. I'm sure it'll sort itself out, but it will take time, as all things do with children.

    With regards to balance within life, I cannot say with any certainty that such a thing can exists with children in your life -- or at least, I have not seen it yet, although I have seen many parents aiming to reach it! As much as it doesn't feel like it when you're half-asleep for 24 hours a day, I'm sure this is one of the "joys of parenting" that people keep talking about ;)

    But you are right, if I can maintain more balance, I'm sure my daughter will also be calmer! But I would also never wish a different personality for her (as much as I can complain): she's feisty, independent when not in "attached" mode, highly imaginative, extremely intelligent and a wonderful combination of gentle, yet tough. When God / The Powers That Be give you such a gift, you have to accept everything that comes with it. And I do. The acceptance is just a little harder when drained of energy :)

    Thanks again for your comments. It helped to put things in perspective :)

    Best wished to you, your wife and your kitties.

    Dianna xxx

  3. Hi Dianna,

    Hope you're feeling better, and more rested. I sent you some Reiki healing energy and I will for the rest of the week, as I told Paul. You've motivated us, with all your sites, to work more with our websites, and we just made my astrology site into a blog site. So, you need to slow down, and I need to speed up. Keeps the world interesting as people try to help each other, and the planet too, which certainly needs our care and not exploitation by humans, as a species.

    Love and Peace,

  4. Dear Elise, thank you so much! That's so kind of you, and I'm glad that someone has got something useful from the crazy number of sites I have - LOL.

    Please do post the web addresses of your sites below. I'd love to see them :)

    Best wishes,

    Dianna x

  5. Hi Dianna,
    Thanks for asking. My site now redirects to . If you'd like to Follow each other's sites, that would be nice. Paul and I couldn't figure this out in Blogspot – I wanted to group my Elise blog entries under a heading. We got a text widget up that said Elise Blog, which we now deleted because we couldn't get those blog posts under it – I don't want to take up your time, Dianna, but since you use Blogspot, just may I ask you quickly, how to do that? (If it's an involved answer, don't worry about it, we'll figure it out :-(

    Hope you're all sleeping better through the night :-)

    Love and Peace,

  6. Hi Elise.

    In your Tags / Labels for each of your own blog posts, add Elise Blog. Then add a Label Widget. Every single tag you've added will come up. If once you publish the widget, click on the Label for Elisa Blog and you'll have a page listing all your blog posts. If the Elise Blog entries actually originate from another blog, then what you need to add is an RSS feed and add the feed url from the other blog to the relevant section in that widget. When you publish that widget, all your recent blog entries will show up. Hope that helps!

    I'll follow your blog and also link to it from my site.

    Thanks once more for the healing. Generally feeling a little more chirpy despite a couple of deadlines that I know I won't reach :)

    Dianna x

  7. Hi Dianna,

    Thanks for those comments on using Blogspot widgets etc. There are three kinds of Help, involving the old Blogspot format - which Elise used - the new format, and Google Help. Your comments are helping me figure it out. Thanks for the link too -- it's a good one and Elise and I will both be adding it to our blogs too. Hope you're all getting some rest.

    Best wishes,

  8. Thanks so much :) Your link is up here -

    Have a great Christmas / Winter Solstice :D


  9. Thank you Dianna, we'll reciprocate too, and hopefully your site will be under a a new Links tag. ** * It looks like Direct TV is gearing up for a new season of "True Blood." You've seen it in the UK? They've just started to show reruns from last season - The upcoming series will be the 6th, I believe. Don't know if there's a time lag between US showings and international showings, but you should see it at some point. And thank you, have a great Christmas and Solstice too. Best, Elise and Paul


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