Weekly Update (on Bank Holiday) - 07/05/12

This has been such a crazy week, I could not get around to posting my weekly Friday update, so it comes in today :)

The Witching Pen has had an amazing week. Really and truly. I feel blessed :)  It's received some great reviews from a few places:

The lovely Bookaholics Book Club also featured the book on Try It Tuesday - read about why they recommend The Witching Pen: http://bookaholicsbkcl.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/try-it-tuesday-8.html

For those of you who loved the first two books in the trilogy, and strongly feel you'll like the third (which is out at the end of August), you can now preorder the omnibus edition at Amazon US  Amazon UK  The Book Depository (cheapest) and Waterstones.

The first book, The Witching Pen, is now available to purchase from both The Book Depositoryand Lulu. It's listed as O/S on Amazon stores, but that's only because they're still collating data on it. It'll be listed on there to purchase soon.

Other Books

'Til Death Do Us Part (eBook) has now made the top 100 charts of the Amazon UK Gothic Romance section at least twenty times :)  I'm thrilled and I hope it keeps doing so. It's highest position ever in that chart remains at 32.


The paperback is also available to purchase from Amazon stores for anyone who wants the story as a keepsake. It comes as a small novelty book with 68 thick white pages (thicker pages than you get in the mass market books of the same size). If you want it signed, then please look out for upcoming giveaways.

The Last Angel

I'm desperate to give you more information on this upcoming novel, but I can't without potentially giving away elements of The Demon Bride - very frustrating! But I'll have a think about what I cangive away without spoiling anything ;)

Other Things

I've written a Publisher Review of why I decided to publish Bites, by Ninfa Hayes. Take a look here - http://www.erraticreviewer.co.uk/2012/05/book-review-bites-by-ninfa-hayes.html

I received a nomination for a Kreativ Blogger Award over at my main Writing Blog. If you pop on over you can learn all about it, as well as 7 things you may not have known about me :)

Home life: my daughter is now fully toilet trained (thank goodness) and, our budgie has a new, shiny cage :)

It's bank holiday today in the UK, so I hope you all have a great day off, and for those of you in the US, I believe it's Mother's Day for you soon. I trust you'll celebrate in style :)

Dianna xxx


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