All the work I have in progress going into 2014.

HUGE updates needed! Okay, where do I start....

First off, at the beginning of this week I re-released an erotic contemporary romance that I'd first published almost two years ago: Happy Anniversary


It felt GREAT to put this back out there, not least because I hate having finished stories lying around on my laptop doing nothing. This has led me to look at a few other stories I started writing and then stopped for whatever reason:

1. Earth & Bones was another short erotic story: a paranormal fantasy that I pulled. Having looked through it again, I can develop it further, change the storyline a little and add a plot to make it longer, so that's a possible release for 2013 / 2014

2. I started writing a contemporary erotic romance called On The Night Bus, about a nurse who meets a war journalist on a London night bus. I'm actually half way through this story, and then stopped writing it to get The Witching Pen books finished, and I never went back to it. It is one super HOT story - very fun; nothing too heavy in terms of angst - and it will be fun to complete it... so that's something I'm looking into again. It's only novella length. So it may even get a release at the end of this year...

3. I'm also half way through writing an erotic horror called Through The Water. Again, I stopped writing this to get The Sands Of Time finished (who knew TWP series would take off and that everyone would want the next book so quickly? Not me! Lol.)

4. I also pulled a lesbian erotic short from publication, Glamoured. Um ... I don't know if my current readership would purchase it, lol, so I may put it free on my site at some point. Thoughts? I wrote it because I liked the storyline: a woman in a loving relationship who then realises she's been glamoured by a witch who's always fancied her, and has, in fact, been in a relationship with a woman this whole time. It's a light, quirky, hot F/F read, but so different to my current stuff I'm not sure I should actually publish it!

5. Eye Of The Storm series. I have not forgotten this! Werewolves. Oh yes. This will be written and the plot is good, and OOOOH, hot werewolves (do I need to say more?). but I have no thoughts as to when this might be out.

6. All the above will be written around Project Veil and The Last Dragon, both of which take presedence.These are my main WIPs and that ain't gonna change ;)

Also, my main genre is still paranormal / fantasy. It's just that I'm a multi-faceted person (actually, I joke that I'm multi-dimensional), and there are LOTS of things I get the hankering to write every now and then - limiting myself (which I sort of did start to do, for the sake of marketing and promo) seems a little daft ;)

Project Veil


So there you have it... and I'm moving house some time within the next few months. Life is busy ... life is good :)

Have a great Friday, everyone! xxx



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