Tarot for February, 2011

3 of Swords, The Hermit and 3 of Cups

February brings with it the shedding of an old life, often painful, but always necessary and worth it -- in terms of the environment, think of the changes taking place in Egypt and the consequential domino effect that will follow. It is time to dismantle the face you show to the world and discover who you are for yourself. Go inwards. If you were ever thinking of taking a retreat, now is the time. Explore your own identity and extract yourself from the surroundings of your daily life. Question your involvement with your circle of friends -- with the people in your immediate environment. It's a good time to look for new friends and you are likely to find them in places connected with your past, or within nature. If you do any spiritual work, revisit this now -- it's a good time to call the nature devas into your life once more.

In summary, this is a particularly painful and tender month for you, with you needing to let go of old patterns and sorrows. Be gentle with yourself and treat yourself to some quality 'alone' time.

These monthly tarot readings are conducted by tuning into the energies of the planet and its planetary alignment with the immediate universe (the solar system). They give you a generalised view of what is about to happen in the world (at least most probably), both on a larger scale and within your own internal world. All is connected. As above, so below.

By law, I have to state that all of my readings are for entertainment purposes only and should be treated as such.


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