Poetry Books: CHANGES

(yeah, I know, I never talk about my poetry, do I...)

Sienna Dawn paperback (trade size) is being reduced to £6.49 - this will be reflected online within 6 weeks.

Little Moments Of Truth: the paperback will be unpublished in about 6 weeks. There may be a reformatted third edition released after that, priced at around £3.99 - this will be a small paperback size. The eBook will remain available in B&N and iBookstore, but there will be a cover change (let's face it, the current cover is bloody awful), and I have plans to make it available via Smashwords and Amazon too eventually (at about $1.99 / £1.25)

A Silver Kiss: The cover will stay the same, but the logo needs changing at the back. I'm in the process of changing printers / distributors, and if this works out, I'm hoping to be able to offer this book at £3.99 Format will remain a small paperback.

Pricing: the poetry market in general is priced slightly higher than the fiction market. It is not unusual to find a 60 page poetry book for £6.99 - it's considered a specialised genre. I have always stuck with the poetry market for books, but I will now be bringing my prices down a fraction. Not enough people try poetry because it has a reputation of being stuffy, and because of the higher prices. It should not be catered to the elite only. I believe that poetry should be accessible, hence my price decrease.


'Til Death Do Us Part - I'm hoping to be able to reduce the pricee to £3.50. Am awaiting change of printers / distributors. Format will remain a small paperback.

That's all for now, folks ;)

Dianna x


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