Pressing "SEND"...

The Demon Bride ARC has gone out to some reviewers now. My stomach is doing a squiggly thing. There's nothing left to do but breathe now... Actually, that's not true: I've go to make up the paperback copies to send out to my proofreaders, but that's just mindless formatting, not the crazy mental exercise that was editing. My brain is actually still buzzing from the edits.

It's due out on 31st August. Two weeks before that, some readers will get ARC copies too. This is the most organised I have ever been, and I'm not actually sure I can do it again, lol. My nerves are shot. Honest to God, I am too close and too attached to my own work to be organising this kind of stuff so ahead of time. I can just about manage edits, but this? I'm a wreck! The sending off to reviewers, and marketing part - this is the part (for me) where being your own publisher leads to self-destruction...

So... what happens next? Well, we all know there's a spin-off novel. I'm looking forward to writing it, but I'm not starting it yet. I need a break from writing The Witching Pen world for a bit. I'm going to get stuck into Project Veil, but I'm taking it easy, not least because it's the summer holidays from the end of this week, and my little girl won't be at school in the mornings = no writing time for Dianna during the day.

I feel like I'd like to write something short too; an intermediate thing. Just something to burn off this crazy nervy feeling ... something along the same lines as 'Til Death Do Us Part: novelette length, steamy, with lots of punch. We'll have to see what my muse throws my way.

Anyway... I have no idea what else to say right now.

Breathe, Dianna ... breathe....


  1. Thanks for sharing your ideas!!I really Keep sharing your views appreciate it!
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