Draft Chapters Posted On Blogs?

Dear All,

I've been hearing from a few people recently that authors who post chapters of their stories on blogs, as and when they're created, are receiving a good following, with readers tuned in weekly to see what happens next, and also achieving good sales if the readers like the story.

Pros: interacting with your readers in real time and being able to discuss your book with your fans

Cons: May not be able to post every week due to holidays or other commitments, and will have to keep up the writing as often as possible (no writer's block allowed!).

I'd be really interested in your views in this -- as a reader, would you like to see me posting chapters up on a blog for you to then buy the eBook / paperback? Do you know many readers who like to read books this way / interact with authors this way?

It's a great idea if you're self-publishing, but if you were thinking of sending your work off to a publishing house, they most probably wouldn't want you to post chapters on your blog...

I welcome all comments from all passers-by! Let me know your thoughts on this  :-)



  1. I have heard of some authors who do this, but never followed them myself - I'm not sure what I would do, I would definitely enjoy following it online in blog-form, but I don't know if I'd buy it as an ebook when finished! I'd actually be more likely to buy it as a paper book after reading it online - if I could get it for free online each week, why would I then buy it online?

  2. Obviously buying the paperback is fine. I meant paperback or eBook. However, a lot of digital books are novellas nowadays, which don't lend themselves to affordable publishing. There's a story I'm working on where I could post the first novella online, chapter by chapter, but I'd probably only do it for the first novella, and subsequent books would be offered to purchase for a minimal cost ... But it's a personal thing. I'm usually quite private about my work when it's in progress, so the thought of doing it is grating on me a bit...

  3. (*affordable publishing in paperback form)

  4. If you posted the first of a series online chapter by chapter, then sold the next as ebooks, that would be different to me as you get the first one for free! ;-) I just don't know that'd I'd buy it online after reading it online!

  5. Different meaning that you'd buy the other books in the series based on the first?

  6. Yep, if I liked it (and if I'd always known that the follow up wouldn't be free).


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